Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Message of Welcome

Welcome to my page. This is my first post and I hope will be the beginnings of many. I want to write mostly about things that interests me, i.e everything! Do leave comments if you feel like it. I appreciate the feedback.

This is an attempt at looking at the world in a positive way. Most things in the world would make you angry (in fact, waking up is an act of anger for me). It is easy to be angry at the world and rail at it iniquities.

And yet, I feel that one should strive to love life and seek out things that make one happy and amused. Two things have made me see things this way: watching an interview by Stephen Fry where he talked about the pitfalls of criticism and why it is not something to be admired for its own sake. Second, conversations with a dear friend who has decided to seek his own path in the world by doing things that he liked instead of waiting on some one else's pleasure.

So I would like to talk about things that I find are cool. I hope you will join me!

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