Sunday, January 23, 2011

10 O' Clock Live- the new Channel 4 show on topical comedy

How would you react to a show that begins with Charlie Brooker's description of a former governor of Alaska: “She's possibly the only horseman of the Apocalypse that you can maintain an erection while gazing in the eye.”

Now those of us who have spent our college lives getting our news from The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, this concept is nothing new. Commentary on the news by comedians is a grand old tradition in UK with programs on radio like News Quiz or Now Show and on TV like Have I got News for You and Mock the Week. On this side of the pond we have Stewart and Colbert who have become institutions unto themselves.

So what is so new about yet another show with comedians talking about current affairs and making jokes?

I'll tell you why. Because it has David Mitchell and Charlie Brooker, as well as Jimmy Carr and Lauren Laverne. The fact that David Mitchell has a show of his own on current affairs is enough to get me an erection but to have Charlie Brooker as well means going on a smug-and-jaundiced-view-of-the-world overdrive. I am fond of Jimmy Carr so that's a bonus obviously. But to give real flesh to the physical reaction described above, you have the dishy, delectable and delicious Lauren Laverne, the DJ from BBC Radio 6.

Now you can see why I am excited!

The first episode comprised of Mitchell taking on the bankers and Brooker covering Sarah Palin.
Jimmy Carr begins by giving a brief account of the news of the week. Memorable zingers? The doctors are trying to a radical cure on Steve Jobs: they are going to turn him off and turn him on again! As for any Catholic priest watching, the only good news is that hell does not exist. In fact the plethora of child rapists in the Church make us forget that the Pope used to be a Nazi! Oh, Jimmy, stop before I pull a stomach muscle.

David Mitchell hosts a panel on bankers bonuses. Panelists include Richard Sharp, a former partner in Goldman Sachs, Zoe Gannon, head of research at the High-Pay Commission and Kwasi Kwarteng, Tory MP. Now I was disappointed that David did not go for the jugular with a word that rhymes so well with banker. Come on David, you were the first to say it on TV, remember? A bunch of wanker bankers! Yes, I have said it and I am quoting Mitchell.

We were looking to be entertained but the panel was very informative as well, no surprise since this is David Mitchell we are talking about. We learn about the bonuses that the bankers are going to award themselves and we hear both sides of the argument: the one that wants to burn them on a stake as well as the side that wants to send them to prison. Well that got all the points of view covered!

Charlie Brooker gave a commentary on Palin, her White House ambitions and the Tucson tragedy. The most memorable line: in America, a bullet comes with every happy meal. Now those of you who are familiar with Brooker will need no introduction, but those who are not should check out his column at the Guardian. His mix of rage and humor as social commentary is probably one of the few things that would buck you up in the morning when you are swamped with bad news from around the world.

Jimmy Carr delves into the state of that great holiday destination, Tunisia and the upheaval that has created a new opportunity for cheap tourism. Lauren gives us a quick roundup of international news in the form of showbiz gossip.

Carr goes on to interview Bjorn Lomborg who gives a well informed account of the limitations of carbon reduction programs. Clearly the audience is against him and yet he makes some very lucid arguments. One thing I'll say about the climate change enthusiasts: their attempt at shutting down any views contradicting the consensus is bordering around religious mania. I am sorry to say that Carr could not rise above it.

The we have a delicious section of a monologue from David Mitchell where he talks about the Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt's attempts at promoting local news over national and international news. One clearly gets the impression that the fuss made at the BBC over the mistake about his name (H was replaced by the C of culture, presumably. Come on, how can you miss it, a wanker named Hunt, surely he was asking for it? ) was not unintentional.

I can go on and on about what happened next bit that might bore you to death. What I am trying to tell you is that I am really excited about the show. It is rather good and well presented with personalities that are rich with intelligence. Not to mention it has Mitchell and Brooker (I'll hammer it home as long as I like!)

10 O'Clock Live is aired at (take a guess!) ten pm, Friday nights. live on Channel 4 UK.

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