Monday, March 7, 2011

Star Talk Radio Show hosted by Dr Neil deGrasse Tyson

If you are into geek fest then you must never miss this: a radio show hosted by the Great Neil himself!

Neil deGrasse Tyson, the director of the Hayden Planetarium is the host of Star Talk Radio Show. Astrophysicist in da house, peeps!

Okay, may be I am going a little hyped up about my favorite physicist hosting a radio show about the universe but what do you expect. Nerd? C'est moi!

Dr Tyson hosts this radio show on Sunday evenings at 6 pm and it is broadcast over all the major cities (I'll list the stations at the end of the post). He invites interesting people over and has a comedian as a co-host. His guests are usually scientists and they talk a lot about life, the universe and everything!

So what does life, the universe and everything include? (I'll hazard a guess: they do not ask what I six times seven) Well the show is quite topical. On the week of Valentine's Day the topic of discussion was the heart: from Aristotle's mistaken view of the heart to open heart surgery. During Superbowl, the topic was the physics of football.

One of the most entertaining episodes was when John Hodgeman was invited as a guest on the show on February 27. The range of conversation went from the obvious Mac vs PC (this is John Hodgeman after all) to the essential nerdiness of the President to the solution of the Fermi paradox: why aliens are not here yet. Sprinkle in a little bit of robots here and there and talk about Kirk vs Picard and the best way to cook a lobster and you have a memorable show.

During the first season Lawrence Krauss came to the show to talk about the science of Star Trek, sinc e the movie was out. The fact that Trekkies have their own culture that tends to spill over to real life culture and alter it (cell phones and instant soup) in a ways that cannot be ignored. The overall cultural aspect of the Star Trek influence is that it inspired a whole generation of young kids to be scientists and engineers.

Now those of you raising an eyebrow about what the point of the show is about, it is hard to define. All I can say is that this is a freewheeling conversation among very smart people where the range of topics are all over the place. What is so important about the show is that how cool it is to listen to intelligent people talk about really interesting topics.

But mostly, it is a show that is hosted by one of the most charismatic scientists in the world who continues take a huge interest in the universe and shows us why we should all be interested in the universe too.

Star Talk is broadcast over the following cities in these stations:

Boston 104.3 HD3
Seattle 96.5 HD3
Detroit 104.3 HD3
Pittsburgh 100.7 HD3
Pittsburgh 107.9 HD3

New York
Sundays, 6 PM Eastern

Los Angeles
Sundays, 3 PM Pacific

Washington DC
Sundays, 6 PM and Wednesdays, 2 PM Eastern

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